High School

Weekly Newsletter

NEwsletter 2/14

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Wellsville High School

Secondary Teacher of the YEAR : Mr Brent Long

Mr. Long was nominated for Secondary Teacher of the Year!

Mr. Long teaches Advanced Plant & Animal Science, Biology, & Anatomy & Physiology to Our High Students.

We are so Thankful Mr. Long teaches here!

Wellsville High School

602 Walnut Street

Wellsville KS 66092


    Principal: Josh Adams

    AD/Asst Principal: Brad Burkdoll

    Counselors: Kim Speer & Ashli Votaw

    Secretaries: Tonya Pearson & Alicia Jones

Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm

For HS Transcripts please email: Alicia Jones ajones@usd289.org

WHS Yearbook Class Composites