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Ashley Byrd
Pre-school teacher
Elementary School Staff
Carson Miller
District Occupational Therapist
Elementary School Staff
(785) 883-2996 x 2109
Kimberlee Speer
HS Counselor
High School
785-883-2057 x 6020
Kim Smith
HS/MS Librarian
High School
785-883-2057 x 6318
Aaron Byrd
IT Director
Central Office
785-883-2388 x5091
Abigail Johnson
High School
Alicia Jones
AD/HS Secretary
High School
785-883-2057 x6010
Amy Roe
Elementary Librarian
Elementary School Staff
785-883-2996 x1050
Angela Conner
Assistant Elementary Principal
Elementary School Staff
Anita Rogers
Nurse's Aide
Elementary School Staff
Ann Unruh
Pre-K Teacher
Elementary School Staff
785-883-2996 x1104
Brad Burkdoll
HS Assistant Principal
High School
785-883-2057 x6001
Brian Patterson
Tech Specialist
Central Office
Brianna Ball
Food Service & Communications Coordinator
Central Office
785-883-2388 ext.7012
Brianne Cottrell
Transportation Coordinator
Brock Campbell
6th Grade Science/Social Studies
Middle School
785-883-4350 x5215
Caleb Zimmerman
Computer Skills Teacher
High School