over 4 years ago, Wellsville USD 289
Wellsville Eagle
Parents please see the attached information for the My-HeartCheck event at OPRMC on October 21st. Thanks https://5il.co/m2dq https://5il.co/m2dm
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Fr/Soph Football will play at Baldwin on Wednesday, October 14th at 4:30 PM. Game will be played at BHS Sub-Varsity Football Field, 415 Eisenhower, Baldwin City, KS. Players will receive 4 spectator tickets each. Masks are required. Parents are encouraged to bring a lawn chair as visitor seating is limited.
over 4 years ago, Wellsville USD 289
Wellsville Eagle
JV Football travels to Osage City for a 6:00 PM Kickoff. Good Luck!
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Good Luck to Kaylie and Kelsey at Regional Golf!
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Regional Golf 2020
2020 WHS PINK OUT ORDER FORM Pink Out Night Friday, October 23rd headline to order is October 16th at noon. 2XL $2 MORE 3XL $3 MORE 4XL $4 MORE T-SHIRTS $12.00 LONG SLEEVE $15.00 CREW NECK SWEA T $20.00 HOODIE $25.00
over 4 years ago, Walter Wehr III
WHS Homecoming Candidates 2020!!
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Homecoming 2020!
MS Football will take on Burlington in Wellsville at 4:00 PM on Monday, October 19th. The JV football game scheduled with Humboldt on 10/19 has been canceled. HS Football will look to add a team that week.
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Fr/Soph Football will play at Baldwin on Wednesday, October 14th at 4:30 PM. Game will be played at BHS Sub-Varsity Football Field, 415 Eisenhower, Baldwin City, KS
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
The 9th Grade Football game vs Prairie View on Thursday has been canceled. We are looking to add a new opponent next week.
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Grab and Go Meals Pick Up Time Change!!! Starting Wednesday, October 7th, meals will be available for pick up from 12:00-1:00pm. Please remember to pre-order for the week and that pick up is located at the Wellsville High School.
over 4 years ago, Gwendolyn Jacobs
Letter from the Superintendent (10/5/20) - COVID Update https://docs.google.com/document/d/14gHpvp7fXbQhj86o2eLkKKH0JxYgZc6G9XUs6dYSHQY/edit
over 4 years ago, Wellsville USD 289
Wellsville Eagle
WHS Varsity Volleyball Tournament Results: 3rd Place Wellsville def Osawatomie 25-21, 25-21 Championship West Franklin def Baldwin 25-19, 25-23
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
WHS Inv. Results Pool Play West Franklin def Baldwin 26-24, 25-22 Osawatomie def Wellsville 30-28, 25-21 Baldwin def Osawatomie 25-18, 25-14 West Franklin def Wellsville 24-26, 25-18, 25-17 West Franklin def Osawatomie 25-19, 25-15 Baldwin def Wellsville 25-16, 25-22
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Kelsey Johnson shot a 122 at Garnett today. Kaylie Reese shot a 94 and took 4th! Kaylie also won the longest drive!
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Kaylie 4th
Kaylie Reese shot a 99 and took 12th at Jeff West! Kelsey Johnson shot a 134. Congrats to both golfers!
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Kaylie 12th Place
Kelsey and Kaylie
MS Volleyball at SFT scheduled for 10/1 has been canceled.
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Congrats to the Eagle Cross Country medal winners today! Varsity Boys Zeb Harris15th Ian Smith 19th JV Boys Coy Jones 5th Ty Weekes 10th JV Girls Madison Norman 6th
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Schedule Updates: MS Volleyball at Prairie View is now on Monday, September 28th at 4:00 PM. HS Football at Eureka on Tuesday, October 6th at 7:00 PM HS Football vs Osage City on Saturday, October 10th at 3:00 PM
over 4 years ago, Wellsville
Varsity Football at Jayhawk Linn on September 25th has been canceled. Game dates and times for Eureka and Osage City will be announced in the near future.
over 4 years ago, Wellsville